Friday, November 25, 2005

Keys to personal success by Team Technology ©1995-2005

Work/home life balance

You are looking for personal fulfilment.

Your organisation is looking for business results

Are you looking for an appropriate balance between the two?

You can't change who you are
But you can change the role you play

It's a common mistake to think that team success is achieved by individuals playing to their strengths. Whilst this can sometimes be true, often it is not.

This can be illustrated by thinking about which hand you use to change gear when driving a car, in Europe, or in the UK. Do you use your preferred hand, or do you use the hand dictated by the layout of the car?

Like most people, you have a preference that is consistent throughout life. But daily living requires the effective use of both hands. In a similar way, you have behavioural preferences, as indicated by your personality type. But you need to undertake many roles to meet the daily demands of life and work. Finding out your preferences can help you find out who you are. But to achieve success in team work and personal fulfilment, you should focus on what you can change - the roles you play:

Keys to successful team work
Adaptation – the ability for a team to use the team role that is most appropriate for the task in hand or the situation
Synchronisation – the ability for a team to coordinate their use of team roles in order to collaborate effectively

Keys to personal fulfilment
Flexibility – the ability to be able to use any of the team roles, when it would be most effective to do so.
Balance – having an appropriate degree of stretch between your preferences and your role to provide both development and fulfilment (ie not too much stretch, which can cause stress, nor too little, which can cause stagnation and/or boredom)

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