Friday, January 13, 2006

Time Management for Results by Brian Tracy

In Time Management for Results, you're going to learn how to gain at least two hours per day. You may be able to increase your time management effectiveness by fifty percent or even double your output.

So one of the most important things you can think about, and we'll come back to this in a few minutes, is what would you do if you could increase your output by twenty-five or fifty percent per day?

What would it mean to you if you could double your productivity, which you can if you just use these techniques over and over again.

Well, there are four requirements to make these techniques work for you. We call these "The Four D's."

The first D is Desire. It's want. You must have a burning desire to be effective at time management.

The second D is Decision. You must make a decision that you are going to become an expert in this subject. You are going to take this course, you are going to use these materials, you're going to practice them over and over again.
Because what we have found is that in the absence of a decision, nothing ever happens. You need a clear, unequivocal, do-or-die, burn-the-bridges decision that this is a subject that you are going to master.

The third D is Discipline. You must discipline yourself to practice and repeat over and over again good time management techniques. In fact, we say that time management is self-discipline in action. And the ability to discipline yourself, more than anything else, is going to determine your success in life.

And the fourth D to become excellent in time management is Determination. You must have the ability to persist. You must have the determination to keep on keeping at it long enough until you become very very good in this field.

But I promise you this: the payoff is tremendous, because, you see, time management is really life management. Everything you do to improve the quality of your time management will improve and enhance every part of your life. You can even say it this way: the quality of your life is determined by the quality of your time management.

The quality of your life will be determined by the way you use your time minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day, because your time is your life.

So let's talk about a psychology of time management. How do we change our mindset in such a way that we become really really effective at managing our time?
Well we start off with the very simple fact that...
Read the full article here


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