Friday, February 10, 2006

Interpersonal Communication - DeNovaCo Capacity Edge

Interpersonal Communication - DeNovaCo Capacity Edge: "Interpersonal Communication

Focus on Interpersonal Communication Skills

Interpersonal communication refers to the process that we use to communicate with another person. Our interpersonal communication skills can be improved through knowledge and practice.

Having great interpersonal communication skills is extremely valuable and often determines your level of success in the workplace and in life.

Did you know that communications experts tell us that only 10% of our communications is represented by what we say? Another 30% is represented by our sounds and 60% by our body language.
In addition to how we verbally express ourselves, interpersonal communication also refers to:

* Body language and facial expressions
* How you say things
* How well you listen
* Respecting the opinion of others
* Knowing when to stop talking to let others speak

Find information and programs to improve your interpersonal communication skills."

Check for more resources Sheridan Park Toastmasters Club


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