Wednesday, June 07, 2006

"... Past, Present and Future. They are keys to our success." by Jason Womack

Jason Womack
We succeed when we acknowledge we work and play in different “time zones” - Past, Present and Future. They are keys to our success.

Looking at past successes is a great way to get enthused as well as create positive energy and motivation. In a seminar I delivered for a golf company, an instructor and former golf pro said that when the going gets tough, he goes into the trophy room of his house. He shared with the group, “I have trophies I’ve won, as well as some photos of me when I’m doing well, up on walls. Every time I see them, I remember, I did it once before, and I can do it again.” I agree with his strategy of using visual milestones to stay inspired. I personally have an area in my office with my triathlon race photos and metals hanging on the wall.

Visualizing something different from current reality is a skill you can practice, and an extremely valuable habit to create. It is different from “future fantasizing” or living out of the present. It is the process of preparation. If you have done something once, chances are high that you can repeat that performance!

A key to your success is to continually come back to where you are. There is power in the present. Change never happens in the future, it always starts now. In fact, you are practicing for change right now … or not. You will learn a lot about yourself, and the process of reaching your goals, as you look at your present situations.

An interesting way to spend your time, present moment to present moment, is to keep a “time log.” Write, in 15-minute increments, the blocks of time from morning to night-time. Then, during the day, actually fill in, for each 15-minute block of time, what you are doing. At the end of three days of this, you will have an excellent perspective of your use of your “present.” In my experience, I learn about the time I invest in high-value and low-value activities.

We all think about the future. It’s natural, exciting…and fun! Using our imagination, we image-in pictures that we want to come true. This is positive visualization.

Have you ever been known, however, to image-in pictures of things you want to avoid?

In fact, some people are more motivated to image-in negative scenarios, and tolerate negative scripts when they talk to themselves.

A way to maximize the process of “thinking about the future” is to take time, on purpose, to focus on what you want. Clearly define and visualize it. You can do this with words – actually writing on sheets of paper or note cards. You can do this with pictures – drawing or cutting photos out of magazines. You can do this audibly – by recording yourself reading motivational or inspirational quotes. I’m currently reading a book called The Mind Map Book (by Tony Buzan, with Barry Buzan), which has great insights into how this all works.

One key is to re-view (over and over and over again) those images you’re moving toward. The more you image-in what you want, you’ll begin identifying yourself as the self you already are. Use your past, acknowledge your present, and expand into your future.


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