Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Are you Black, Yellow or Red ... Pen Person???

How do you solve your problems? What kind of techniques do you use?
In The Back of the Napkin , Dan Roam argues that a simple drawing on a piece of paper can be more powerful than any excel or power point presentation.
Our brains are hard wired to be visual, just remember when you were in kinder garden, you could draw pictures before you could read and write.

Hear Dan Roam talk about persuading people with pictures. Whether convincing leadership to back a project, getting a VC to fund a business, building consensus on a project team, or selling a new technology platform within an organization, nothing is more powerful than a simple picture for discovering and developing technological concepts and business ideas. This session shows how to use the pictures we've created to persuade other people to take action.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Smile & Move motivating video

Use the Smovie as a powerful and concise way to introduce the message at meetings and events (national corporate meetings, employee retreats, annual organization kick-offs, etc.).